2012 Terry Fox Run

Meet the Teacher ‘Wolf Tracks’ Open House

Families, students, parents, friends, staff and a host of volunteers filled the halls of our school this past Thursday evening.  Our annual Open House and Meet the Teacher event took on a new look this year.   Thanks to the organization of the School Council and all the teachers and volunteers who helped out in a […]

Terry Fox Run Coming to NLW Sept. 27th

The Terry Fox School Day Run for NLW school will be held on Thursday, September 27th.   The students in Grade 1, 2 and 2/3 will be walking around the junior field and the students in Grade 3 and up will be running off school property as we have done in the past.  (If you haven’t […]

Invitation to Meet the Teacher Night Sept. 20th

Information was sent home inviting students and families to our annual Meet the Teacher event on Thursday Sept. 20th.  From 5 to 6 PM there will be an opportunity for students and parents to visit ‘Wolf Dens’ on their ‘Passport’ scavenger hunt around the school and to meet and hear about the many School Council […]

First Spirit Assembly

We ended our first week of school with a rousing Spirit Assembly in the gym.  We are all excited about getting involved in all the things that make NLW a great place to be.   At the assembly students got a chance to meet the new teachers, get introduced to all the staff, learn a few […]

Happy New Year

Not even rain could dampen the spirits of nearly 400 students returning to NLW for the start of the 2012-13 school year.   In no time at all students were settled in to classrooms and routines with their new teacher and classmates.    We are all looking forward to another great school year. Information that went home […]

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