Happy New Year to all Northlake Woods families!  We hope that you had a wonderful holiday with friends and family. What an exciting fall we have just completed and we would like to thank you for your support of all of the special activities that have taken place.  It was great to see so many families able to enjoy our Seasonal Concert this year.  Thank you to our families for your donations of new books in support of the Books for Kids campaign.  We greatly appreciate your generosity, and we know many children are enjoying books that they might not have had a chance to read without your donation!

We are looking forward to an exciting New Year with many events planned for our students.  When we look back on the achievements of our students since the fall, we proudly acknowledge their growth academically and socially.  Our students will continue to benefit from a wide variety of academic and extracurricular programs and opportunities offered by our skilled, knowledgeable and caring staff.  School Spirit activities in support of our H.O.W.L. pillars will continue to occur in the New Year.  We will also offer many family and community events to help everyone have the opportunity to be engaged in the learning that happens here at NLW.    Keep checking the calendar, here on the website, for dates of upcoming activities.

It is hard to believe that once again teachers are busy preparing report cards for students. The first term report cards will be sent home on February 20th, at which time we will all have the opportunity to formally acknowledge their accomplishments.  We look forward to all that the new year offers and we extend best wishes to our students and their families for a happy and healthy 2015.

Categories: News