Northlake Woods has a population of approximately 350 students, from junior kindergarten to grade eight, and over 45 teachers and support staff.  At Northlake Woods we strive as a community of learners to uphold consistent, positive learning expectations conducive to a quality learning environment. Our primary goal is to provide all students with a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment, one in which each and every student can excel.




Our school mascot is the timberwolf, chosen for it’s pack behaviour; we are loyal and devoted to caring for every member of our team and our environment. We are reminded of the writing of Rudyard Kipling in his book, The Jungle Book; “For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.”  We are a strong and proud school community of learners.


Shadow, our furry and fun-loving timberwolf mascot, can often be found in the halls of our school during special events.  Shadow is especially fond of our woodlot, loves to read, and is proud of all of our students  accomplishments!