Congratulations to Charlotte Cherkewski, First Prize Winner of a National Writing Contest. Charlotte is a talented author at NLW, who took the initiative this summer to independently enter the Polar Expressions writing contest. She won this Canada-wide contest for her moving poem: Iron Heart and Pride. Her poem was published by Polar Expressions Publishing in their Summer 2014 Anthology titled: My Escape, A New Collection of Poems and Short Stories Written by Young Canadians.

For the past four years Area Enrichment Class students at NLW (Grades 4 to 8) have been contributing stories and poems to the Canadian Writing Contest: Polar Expressions, with great success. We now have many published authors in our classes. The creators of the contest, at Polar Expressions Publishing, are providing young Canadians with the opportunity to get published and win cash prizes. The creative expression of students is given a voice as well as an audience, made up of peers from across the country. Students enjoy reading the original compositions of their fellow writers.

If you know a young author who might like to submit a poem or story to Polar Expressions, please visit their website with information about Student Contests:

The contest allows for online submissions and the rules and resources you need are all on the website. Copies of the anthologies of student writing are also available to order through the website.

We encourage all students to take the opportunity to submit their work and feel the pride of becoming a published author!

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