Northlake Woods Recognized for Contributions to Free The Children

As a school, Northlake Woods has been working with Free the Children for many years. Founded by Craig and Marc Kielburger, Free the Children is an organization of children helping children through education. In the past, Northlake Woods students have raised money to build a school in Kenya, put together 1,000 health and school kits, […]

Grade 7’s Camping Adventure

Students in the two grade seven classes enjoyed two days at Camp Ki-Wa-Y near Heidelberg this past week. They engaged in activities that strengthened their bodies, mind and character.   Activities during the two days included canoeing, kayaking, high rope climbing, field games, forest activities to name a few. The weather didn’t dampen any spirits and […]

2012 Terry Fox Run

Meet the Teacher ‘Wolf Tracks’ Open House

Families, students, parents, friends, staff and a host of volunteers filled the halls of our school this past Thursday evening.  Our annual Open House and Meet the Teacher event took on a new look this year.   Thanks to the organization of the School Council and all the teachers and volunteers who helped out in a […]

Terry Fox Run Coming to NLW Sept. 27th

The Terry Fox School Day Run for NLW school will be held on Thursday, September 27th.   The students in Grade 1, 2 and 2/3 will be walking around the junior field and the students in Grade 3 and up will be running off school property as we have done in the past.  (If you haven’t […]

Invitation to Meet the Teacher Night Sept. 20th

Information was sent home inviting students and families to our annual Meet the Teacher event on Thursday Sept. 20th.  From 5 to 6 PM there will be an opportunity for students and parents to visit ‘Wolf Dens’ on their ‘Passport’ scavenger hunt around the school and to meet and hear about the many School Council […]

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