Family Movie Night Returns


We Create Change Penny Drive

Congratulations to the staff, students and school community at NLW.  Our participation in the Free The Children  “We Create Change” campaign began just before the Winter Break and wrapped up this week.  Our goal was togather loose change and pennies and fill bags of pennies.   Each bag filled represented $25 in pennies and is enough […]

Kindergarten, childcare and community programs Information Nights


January 18th PD Day

January 18, 2013 is a Professional Development day for staff at our school.   There is no school for students on this day.   Teachers will be involved in Assessment and Reporting activities.

Happy Holidays

Wishing all the best the season has to offer to all of our school community families. Have a Happy and Safe Holiday! We look forward to seeing our students back at school on January 7th, 2013 From the NLW Staff     (Enjoy some seasonal music performed by our very own Strings Orchestra)

Grade 8 Roller Coaster Design Challenge

Once again this year, Grade 8 students participated in the ‘Wondercoaster Challenge’ which has students from across Ontario designing and building a roller coaster.  There are technical and artistic parameters for the contest.  Scores are earned and the top 4 Coaster designs from our school (2 from each category) continue on at a provincial competition […]

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